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Super Moon Rite, Ritual and Magick


Super Moon Rite

(I would like to note that this is altered slightly from what I would do in my own practice. There are some changes to basic elements of the rite to make it more compatible to the standard of Western Metaphysical practices. I.e. When I set up my elemental quarters South is Intellect, East is Fire. There are some other minor differences of this nature which are set in the more ‘expected’ way that most people will be comfortable with. This is only to make things easier. If there are enough readers interested in the rite the way I would do it personally and the ‘why’ governing the differences, I will write up that article as well.)


1 Silver Candle
Incense Burner
A Bowl of Water
A Bowl of Salt
A Bowl of Ash

Your ritual cup with the following infusion: (Infusion is Tea which is not made from Camelia Senisis. It’s just an infusion of herbs with water. For those not familiar with the term.)

Chamomile (If you are pregnant, do not drink Chamomile. It relaxes the uterus.)
Jasmine Green Tea
or if you are feeling adventurous
Iron Goddess of Mercy Green Tea with Goji(Wolf)Berries, a slice of Lime and 3 Mugwort Leaves

For all of the infusions. You only need steep until flavorful, but not bitter. (1-3 minutes typically)

A small individual cake of some sorts. I recommend a carrot cake, oat cake, etc. Something sweet but still wholesome. Not death by sugar covered with frosting. Keep in mind that what you use in ritual (your seed) will be reflected in the results (the flower). Start with something good, abundant, wholesome and yet sweet and you will be planting the seeds of a very good start indeed! Fill it with processed sugar (dead food with no value) and your manifestations may well reflect that.

A small table, space or altar under the moonlight. In the open when possible, inside when needed.

Nutmeg 1 Part
Fennel seeds 1 Part
Amber or Myrrh Resin 1 Part
Sweet Orange Essential Oil
Chamomile 1 Part

Mix the dry ingredients together and add to the charcoal. While it is burning, then add the Essential Oil straight to the charcoal over the dry herbs. It will be more effective and the smell will be clear. You only need add a couple drops every few minutes.


Set up the Altar with the silver candle in the middle and the bowls going at the four quarters as such:

North: Bowl of Salt
East: Bowl of Ash
South: Incense Burner
West: Bowl of Water

Brew the Infusion and place the cup on the altar inside of where the four bowls are placed, but wherever it feels most right. Do the same with the cake. Allow everything to bask in the moonlight (covered as needed to protect from bugs and such is more than fine and not an interference) for an hour while you go and first take a purifying shower/bath.

Quick Instructions for purifying shower/bath:
It is good to have a sea salt scrub for this as a purifying agent. Visualizations of your body-mind/spirit/etc being cleansed, chanting mantras, songspell, etc can all be helpful to facilitate the literal and metaphysical cleansing. It does not need to be a long venture, simply one which you engage in until you feel you have cleansed yourself for your work adequately.

When done, don your ritual wear and sit down to meditate upon your purpose before going outside. What is it you wish for? Do you just wish for blessings or are there some mysteries you wish the moon to illuminate? There will be a portion in the ritual for you to do any other magicks other than enjoying, basking in, begin recharged by, etc , etc the power of the Super Moon. So, if there is some other work you wish to add in, there will be a spot for that. Which is all the more reason to take time to focus you intent before you begin to work.

While making the infusion, preparing the supplies and making the incense you should have been focusing on your intent this entire time.

Other tools which are optional but helpful for focusing intent and intensifying the spellwork:

1. Magick Circles: Take a compass, draw a circle. Even if you don’t want to get into drawing geometric forms or trying to make a mandala you can still draw with colors that correspond to your needs, you can add symbols that are significant to you or your tradition for what it is you wish to manifest, it does not matter how well you do or do not draw or write. You can even just fill it up with colorful text. I recommend at LEAST incorporating color. It has both a psychological effect upon yourself and it has a metaphysical effect in general as well.

2. Wishlist: Need something really specific? Like… A new job. One which pays so much a year, is in this neighborhood, this many hours, needs your qualifications (or none at all) etc, etc. If you need something I find it is best to tell the Universe exactly what your needs are. It might modify them slightly on what it thinks YOU need, but the more specific you are about you do and do not wish for the easier it is to not get some crazy twist that tends to come with wishing carelessly. It also helps for you to work those things out nice and directly with stark specifics. It helps you to keep in mind exactly what you are trying to manifest.

There are some schools of thought which say not to think or talk about your spellwork after you do it. (Until it culminates.) As for not talking about it, I think there is merit here. If you run around telling everyone what you’re doing metaphysically, people can consciously, subconsciously, mundanely and or metaphysically try to derail your efforts. However, think about it all you want! In fact, putting more intent and more will into manifesting something NEVER HURT IT. Not in my experience.

That being said, I get it. I’m sure it’s probably a hold over behavior from the burning times when all of us who fell into the ‘witch’ box of the Old Christian world were living in deep fear, when we were left living at all. But, honestly, I believe that the most you continue to put out specifics about what your needs are to the universe and you take a strong hand to guiding the things you need that you will see stronger results. Of course, if you try to manifest selfish things just for the sake of doing so, it will bite you in the bum sooner or later. Also, even if you manifest a need you can loose it by thinking that you do not deserve things you have. So, if you want to change your life to the way you want it and keep it that way, working on your self-esteem and quieting the inner douche in you can go a long way. Because you do deserve you needs and wants.

3. Moon Pillows/Pouches: These are much like Dream Pillows, but first off, you charge them under the moon (yes, these would go on the altar also) and include them in a special visualizations for the super moon. After being made and blessed place them under a pillow or under your mattress at about where your head rests at night.

Ingredients: Lavender, Roses, Jasmine, Orange Blossoms (Neroli) or a couple drops of Neroli OIl on the pouch/pillow, a piece of Moonstone, Opalite or Selenite, and Oatstraw.

4. Charge your crystals under the Super Moon and on the Ritual altar scattered about around everything. This will cleanse and empower the area nicely as well as charging your crystals for the next month! =) You can plop one in the infusion too for a ‘Basic’ Elixir. Also known as Crystal Water or Spirit Water. This is included in my other article with MANY things you can do with a Super Moon; but it bore repeating.

5. Drumming. Drumming can be a somewhat intoxicating past time as is. But drumming under the full moon can be a wonderful, wonderful way to raise power and focus the mind. Especially if you’re just using a simple, repeating beat for a good 15 minutes or so. Give or take depending on what you are used to.

Other Activities that you may want to add at the ‘free zone’ in the Rite. This will be the aforementioned area where a specialized spell or other activities can be performed before closing the Rite:

1. Super Moon Scrying. You do already have a bowl of water out there after all. *Wink, wink*

2. Moon Dance; dance for the moon. Dedicate your dance to the moon and get to it. If you are too shy to dance or cannot do so without attracting a lot of unfortunate attentions pop in your headphones, sit down and dance in meditation. Visualize the Moon (and whatever associated deity/spirit/etc you wish if you feel so inclined) and dance for them in your mind.

3. Make Spirit-Moon (Holy) Water. Place clear quartz (1-3 pieces depending on the size of the container) in the bottom of said container. Place in the moon just after the first rays of moonlight appear on the Super Moon. Include it in your ritual visualizations (which are coming) and let it sit out all night; getting up to retrieve it just before dawn. For those who chant mantras, I recommend this one for the moon. To be honest, it is good to do a 40 day practice before doing this, but you can also make this the start of a 40 day mantra discipline as well while partaking of said water to strengthen your efforts.

Om Chandraya Namaha
If you are over 28 years old, you should change to:
Om Chandraya Svaha

4. Even if you do not make spirit water, this is a great time to begin a 40 day mantra practice. The one named above is very nice. It cultivates peace of mind and mental health. Esoteric results can include: Spiritual Acuity, Understanding of Weather Phenomenon, Understanding of Dreams, Clairvoyance, Remaining Unconquered by Others, and more.

A couple other mantras which are well suited to relation to the Super Moon are as such:

Om Rahuve Namaha/Svaha (If you are over 28 almost ALL mantras ending in Namaha should become Svaha. They will be significantly more effective. It has to do with the change in the center of power which happens between the ages of 28-30. There are very, very few exceptions to this rule. So, from now on, when you see Namaha/Svaha in this article, it is for those under/over 28 respectively.) This mantra of the Moon’s North Node. This mantra lifts barriers, eases tensions and can aid in success. Much like the Mantra for the South Node;

Om Ketuve Namaha/Svaha. I have not really worked with these yet myself so I would be interested to hear the experiences of others if they wish to share them after working with the mantras of the Northern and Southern Nodes mantras for a little while. Especially as after the recent pole shift, the Moon’s nodes are technically now the Eastern and Western Nodes! But who knows, maybe energetically that isn’t so much of a problem? If you give it a go, let me know!

Om Gurave Namaha/Svaha. This is a mantra to Jupiter. Not the God so much as the Astrological/Astronomical force which effects our lives and roams the skies. You can also look at Jupiter from the Alchemic view. Either way, this mantra has to do with gifts. Divine gifts of all kinds and Divine Grace. Being as this planet and concept corresponds to pretty much every father-god/pantheon head in history, it’s easy to see how those could wind up being the effects of Jupiter’s mantras. And really, a nice, big, fat, Super Moon… how could we not keep winding back up at wishing?

The Rite:
(Lines to be spoken or thought with great intent if you live in an area where you might attract unwelcome attention will be noted with quotations.)

Casting the Circle:

Point your finger at the ground (Index generally) or use a wand. ‘Draw’ a large enough circle to work and move around in by seeing a white, pearly light come from the tip of your finger and rest upon the ground where you have decided the boarder of your circle shall be.

“The circle is sealed”

Then hold out your hands and visualize moonlight pooling into your hands and forming a pearly colored orb. After a few moments it should reach ‘critical mass’. When it does, ‘throw’ the orb to the floor and see it ‘explode’ when it hits. The resulting ‘explosion’ becomes a miniature full moon which surrounds you, above AND below. See and feel the ‘Moon’ around you and enjoy the feel of the energy before moving on to the next portion. You do not need to try and hold this image in your mind during the entire rite.

Light the Candle.

Call to the Moon:

“Super Moon, so rich and bright
Aid me in my work tonight
Draw the tides so close and tight
Magnetize my magick rite
Your blessings I seek lovingly
Add your power to mine
My purpose is divine”

Hold your hands up high as you recite this or other words to the Moon and visualize (and feel) the light of the Super Moon pouring into you from your finger tips and the top of your head and filling you with radiance from the feet up. If you are familiar with the chakras, once your body is filled with the light, you can have the moon charge your chakras. It can be beneficial to turn the chakras in your hands to ‘On’ during this. But do not activate the chakras on the soles of your feet.

Calling the Quarters:

A quick note here is that if you have specific quarter calls you prefer, feel free to do them. I just wanted to place quarter calls in for those who may not work from a tradition or have a set standard of calls. (or who like to see other people write calls just because).

Pick up the bowl of salt in the North and hold it up to the moon. See it bathed and energized with the light of the moon as you invite the element of earth into the circle:

“Earth and Bone,
Root and Stone
Come Stability, Earth and Right
Come and Play in the Super Moon Light”

Sprinkle a pinch of salt at the base of your ritual cup, your cake plate, the other bowls and upon your forehead before setting the bowl down.

Pick up the bowl of ash. Perform the same visualization as with the first bowl.

“Wind and Air
From the Intellectual Lair
Creativity Sparks to Life
Sacred Thoughts Bring an End to Strife”

Set the incense burner alight. You need not pick it up unless you have one you KNOW you will be safe to do so with and have taken precautions not to burn yourself. To anoint yourself and the ritual tools just wave your hands through the smoke. Do the same for the ritual tools.

“Fire, Fire, Burning Bright
Purify My Heart on this Special Night
I Wish I May,
I Wish I Might,
Have You Spark With Me,
In My Heart Your Light”

Gently anoint your third eye with ash as well as all other ritual elements with a small smudge.

Repeat the process with the bowl of water. Don’t make mud on your forehead. Anoint your heart.

“Water, Wine
I feel just fine
Emotions flow
Like Blustering Snow
I’ve come in love
blessed with your connection to the above”

Hold your hands over your head, reaching up to the moon,

“Elements from far and wide, I invite you to share this night with me (us)! If thou be willing, I beseech thee, come to me!”

Wait and feel for the elements to arrive if they did not upon the first chants.

Now is a good time to raise power through song, dance or other means. Keep in mind that you have already done a practice which is synonymous with drawing down the moon. If you plan to raise more energy than you have already though, you should do it now before moving on.

After raising energy move on to works of intent. If you wish to scry, spellcast through verse, knot magick, meditation, etc this is the time. You can also:

1. Perform a skit for your God/dess or the Moon

2. Recite poetry for your deities or the Moon

3. Present Special Offerings

4. Read a Speech

5. Play music (as in play the instrument)

6. Whatever else feels good

If you called anything into the circle other than the elements, send it back at this time. (If you wish to call something and don’t know how to put it back… DON’T CALL IT. Just do a devotional practice instead.)

Take up the plate and ritual cup and hold them up to the moon to be bathed in moonlight.

“With the blessings of the full moon this cup holds the sacred waters of knowledge and this cake the mysteries of earth. As I partake of them, so to do I take into myself greater knowledge and wisdom. I ask that you bless them with your light.”

See the cakes and tea/infusion permeated wholly with the energy of the light of the moon. Eat and drink! I tend to leave a little to scatter outside for the spirits after the ritual is over, but this is not a requirement. Don’t feel selfish for eating or drinking it all if that is your choice!

Now, thank and dismiss the elements/elementals.

Begin at West, the last quarter called. You do not need to pick up the bowl, but you can.

“I/We thank you for your gifts and energy. Go with my/our love and deepest thanks.”

Repeat this for the other quarters, moving to South, East then North. Dismissing each politely in turn.

Take down the Circle Cast:

See the Moon Circle shimmer back into ‘view’. Visualize it shrinking around you until it is again a bright ball of energy in your hand. Hold your hands up, palms up in offering, and send the sphere of protective energy back to the Moon. Thank the Moon silently as you do with your whole heart.

Extend your finger and see the energy used to lay down the circle returning or simply bring your hands down sharply to your sides after offering the energy back and see the circle around you extinguish.

Clean up, have a nice cup of something and a little bite to eat. Fruit would be good and spirit water. =)

I hope you enjoyed this and that it gave you some great ideas for how to celebrate the Super Moon!


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